Customer Personal Data Inquiry Request Form

Customer Personal Data Inquiry Request Form

Thank you for contacting Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). GSUSA is committed to respecting your privacy rights.

To make a request pertaining to your data or the data of a minor child for whom you are the legal guardian, please complete the form below. We will use the information we request from you below only for the purpose of verifying your identity and request. We may not be able to process your request if we are unable to reasonably verify your identity.

What are you requesting? (Please check all that apply)

Customer Identity Verification
The information below will help us verify your identity and locate the information relevant to your request.

Required Identifiers (all fields are required)
Please provide the following information to help us identify you or your minor child in our systems. If you know you have an account with Girl Scouts, please provide the information on your account. If you are not sure, please provide the data you believe we are most likely to have on record.

 street, city, state, zip code, country
 if you have a Girl Scouts login, please provide that email

Girl Scouts Participation (Please check all that apply)
How have you participated in Girl Scouts? This will help us verify your identity and locate the correct records.

By submitting this form, I agree to GSUSA's Terms and Conditions and acknowledge GSUSA's Privacy Statement, and I confirm that I understand and agree with all conditions defined above. I additionally confirm that the information I have provided is true and accurate, and I agree that GSUSA may contact me to process or respond to my request.